[ 470-219-4439]
Victoria Mwango Scott

BRAND NEW YOU - Empowering Services
1 hr
1,000 US dollarsEnded
From $25 to $10,0001 hr
75 US dollars1 hr
200 US dollars15 min
Free w/ Bookpurchase72 hr
$500 to $1000
I offer services to aid your advancement. Select from the options above. Book it and purchase. Payment is required prior to your session [EXCEPT FOR THE TJA SESSIONS - Session is free but book purchase is required]. THANK YOU!

BRAND NEW YOU is a registered life coaching and consulting company established in 2017.
Feeling stuck? At a crossroads in your career or emotional life? Even the strongest among us can feel lost, unsure, ambivalent, or unhappy at times. As a Life Coaching Professional, I can help you understand and manage whatever life throws at you, and how to do it successfully. I believe that you have the strength not just to survive, but to thrive!
So it's time to

I have been working as a certified Life Coaching Professional since 2015, specializing in helping people identify and achieve their personal goals and purpose by coping with the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and stress. I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to helping you!
Life Coaching
Life Coaching can be one of the keys to a happier, healthier life. My job is to give you the tools and techniques to achieve a balanced and fulfilling life by helping you to build your brand! Leave your unique mark as a legacy that inspires many. After several Life Coaching sessions, you will become well-versed at handling issues whenever and wherever they arise. Call now to schedule a session.
Financial Coaching
Do you feel like you are always working hard and not seeing any fruit of your labor? My specialization in Financial Coaching will help guide and inspire you to achieve more of your personal and professional goals. Get in touch today and start taking control of your life with my Financial Coaching tools and techniques.
Motivational Coach/Speaker
Sometimes, it seems as if life just has it in for us and we can never catch a break. In reality, there will always be moments we have little to no control over but, what we can always control is how we react to those moments. With my motivational sessions, you’ll learn about acceptance and how to exert your power of choice over whatever life may throw at you.

Apostle Victoria M Scott is an amazing holistic life mentor, coach and executive leadership trainer who is able to interact across culture and age.
What i personally appreciate is her authentic response to how she coaches, she always has you as the end in mind,
She not only sets you on a path to Transformation but she explains why and the possibilities of that process.
I love that she is practical, relatable and really digs deep to not just hear from God but to also understand the context of the matter that concerns the mentee. I appreciate that with her i have seen results in both my personal ministry journey and my business.
I highly recommend her.
I got the Joseph anointing three years ago and again in 2020 i got a second copy and the devotional
The books are no childs play. The Holy spirit was with her and she allowed Him to lead. The Joseph anointing is such an amazing way to see WHO God has called you to be, i love how the 12 tribes are broken down to explain the practicality in our lives, this book is for everyone who is a believer, who is misunderstood or simply needs strength in the times of feeling like God has left them
The devotional has personally made my days bearable that is not easy when God has chosen you and this comes with its own challenges.
Thank You Apostle Scott for heeding the caling to write. I am blessed by your material on and offline.
Carol Mushota David
Transformed Woman Global Ministry