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Victorious Magnificent Secrets (V.M.S. Women's Ministry)

The personal conversation between God and Eve at her creation, shows the heart of God concerning his daughters. In the absense of Adam, The Creator privately poured his heart into hers to always remind her of this; it's core solely belonged to God  ALONE. We are very precious to him and are the apple of his eye.  God has special secrets he reveals to his daughters about who they are and what they are called to do.

Through this dynamic women's ministry I have the privilege of pouring those secrets into the lives of many women by coaching, mentoring, equipping, motivational seminars/confereces, prophetic prayer/intercession and many tools of empowerment and impartation. Blessings to you!


V.M.S. products coming soon (t-shirts, mugs, pens, totes, etc.)!!!!! 

Victorious Magnificent Secret:


"Beauty is an understatement to how you are seen in the spiriual realm. You are fearfully and wonderfully made and you are breathtaking and awe-inspiring. What you see in the earth is not as you are but as you appear. Put on your spiritual lenses and see the wonder that you really are."

                                                 ~ Victoria M. Scott

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